Saturday, July 01, 2006

well thats all folks

I'm home! Last 3 days in Aus were spent in the Blue Mountains (Where we saw -5 to -8, we're not too sure where) and then to a place called Mudgee, where we tasted some very fine wine and cheese :) Shame I couldn't bring too much back.

Friday we hauled ass back to Sydney (Thanks to Steve's driving and some useage of the toll roads, we did it with plenty of time to spare) I caught the plane home :) Flight was OK. Got bumped on the Hong Kong leg though :) Which was kind of cool (My thanks go to the stewardess Julie :P)

Got home at 5 AM this morning - the red bull is now starting to ware off but I will survive - after all I am British and surviving is what we do best :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

OK sorry it has been so long folks :)

Been too busy in Melbourne. John I know you will probably lynch me with some network cable when I get back for saying this but Melbourne Rocks!! Sydney is a place to live, Melbourne a place to visit (It smells worse than London!) but it has the best nights out I have had this side of the equator! Couldn't live there, where as I could in Syndey (Assuming customs wants an individual like me through... )

Did the touristy thing and went on the neighbours tour (Mostly to annoy individuals back home - I have months of bribery material on you Faith and Faye :D) also did Phillip Island and saw Little Penguins it was amazing!! They flocked up the beach and then went to their little burrows. They emerged out right by our feet. We were also "treated" to some Penguin porn :O 2 of them got jiggy with it infront of us. Sadly due to photography resitricts we have no photos of the penguins on the beach or otherwise - the flash blinds them. However we did get pics of the koalas, and we saw a either a Kangeroo or a Wallabe (We think the later due to size)

All in all a very interesting trip to Melbourne. Back in Sydney now - and picking up our campervan to head to the Blue Mountains and the Hunter Valley for Wine tasting for 3 and a bit days before I fly home on Friday :(

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Birthday blog

OK guys triple celebration time - uni results are in, and I have been barred from telling people what results my mates got incase folks etc see, we're still trying to get hold of them, but lets just say they aren't too shabby + I'm 23 (Am even 23 in UK now getting old! Aussie Law even allows for OAP bus pass at 23 I'm told, I might apply just to see ha ha)

About to go into town, and we're thinking of going to Bondi later, I may even see about learning to surf!!!! COuld be very interesting! :-\ Embaressing pics to come + some one had the excellent idea of a comments entry - so that will appear later.

Flying down to Melbourne tomorrow for some "typical Pommy weather" excellent, rain sleet, snow here we come :)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Another post

Well this is written hastily as I am in the proces of trying to find a cheap way to get to Melbourne, as hiring seems to be out unless I want to pay about $several trillion in Bond etc! GRRR

Still could be worse, at least we will be going. And apparently the weather down theere is more like a traditional English winter - ie complete rubbish! Can't wait, I can moan about the weather again!! :D

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Pringles are a worthy brand of plane

Well I made it. Shame I wasn't able to sleep for quite as long as I wanted to but what the hell. Now all I have to do is get used to the time difference and US layout keyboards!! Ah could be worse I suppose. Flight was uneventful, no crash landings or anything fun like that - still we can't have everything, and I guess if I had crashed I wouldn't be writing this blog entry!!

Right off to find out what Sydney's shops are like - time they discovered there is one Pomme here who can shop :D Gotta love that VISA.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

13 hours to go

Well I have 13 hours till I leave for Aus and spend 27 in a glorified Pringles tube with no net! (I'll only survive if the airline coffee tastes of caffine!)

Sat now in work - watching the time tick by slowly as I have nothing to do. My desk is clear (A simple task of simply pushing all the paper onto someone elses desk and claiming "I didn't do it" :-) )

I'm packed (I think, will find out I've forgotten everything curcial when I get there!) and am looking forward to hunting out "Hong Kong Airport" Fridge Magnets in about 24 hours time!! The joys of the life I lead(!) Still be worth it in the end, I hope.

Been told we are moving hotels as the Red Light District is not worth staying in. Shame but never mind!!

Anyway thats all for now - probably some more from the airport! :)
(PS in a vain attempt to make some money I am considering selling my blog entries at a rediculous sum of money. If you are interested leave a way of being contacted and you too can get occassionally sarcy, random rambling blogs to your Inbox! :-) )

Monday, June 12, 2006

Squeezing 2 weeks into a suitcase!

Supposedly uninteresting blog article number 1 here we go!

Off to Sydney on Thursday (Yup I go off to a mid year Winter to escape the muggyness - there's logic there somewhere(!) ) I now have to work out what to take. Do I pack like I would for a British winter (Bearing in mind by my logic, cold is up a mountain in a blizzard in just a t-shirt) or do I pack for a British summer and prey to God it doesn't rain?

3 more days at work (Thank god) but I will miss the air con in the office! That at least is nice (As are some of my colleuges :-P).

Whilst writing this entry I have decided on a mixture of both styles of clothing. Yes I'll go for my favoured, Jeans, t-shirts, shirts and shoes :-) Can't go too far wrong with that. Now to work out the Aussie money. I will resist temptation to make jokes about any money being made of plastic, seeing as my prefered currency is VISA!